Useful Links
We're not alone.
There's a world of people out there also trying to make a difference. Here's some links to some other great people, groups and businesses doing amazing work in the fight to combat climate change.
Local Organisations
It's not just us, our neighbours are also working hard to combat climate change, such as:
Test Source Community Energy - a community owned enterprise to bring more renewable energy to Overton
Greener Basingstoke - was Basingstoke Transition Network
Basingstoke Green Team - advice and support to live more sustainably
Alton Climate Action Network (ACAN
Winchester Action on Climate Change (WINACC)
Smart Living (Hampshire) - Smart ideas to make the most of your time, money and home… and good for the environment too!
Interesting links
The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) - CAT’s Zero Carbon Britain research clearly demonstrates that we already have all the technologies we need to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2050 – or even earlier.
Treesisters - a lovely reforestation project.
How We Can Eat Our Landscapes - a TED talk by Pam Warhurst, co-founder of Incredible Edibles.
Plastic Free July - A global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.
Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) - A Grassroots movement that has grown into one of the UK's most active and successful environmental charities.
Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE) - We love this fun and interactive way to look at how to save energy in your homes.
The Lazy Person's Guide to Saving the World - We love this straight talking guide to really easy things we can all do to change the world from the United Nations. Some of it you can do without even leaving the couch.