Clean Air Day
17th June 2021
We all need a breath of fresh air….
Breathing in clean air has many benefits, including:
Cleaner lungs.
Decreased asthma and allergy symptoms.
Improved skin appearance.
Better digestion.
Psychological and emotional stability.
Better mood and normalized sleep patterns.
Reduce chances of lung, heart, and arterial diseases.
Air pollution doesn't just happen outdoors. There are many sources of indoor air pollution that can harm health. Studies have found that as much as 90% of the day is spent indoors - children on average spend just 68 minutes outside. So it's important to consider how to create clean air at home as well.
The average adult uses over 11,000 litres of air per day or 23,000 breaths…
The air that is inhaled is about 20-percent oxygen, and air that is exhaled is about 15-percent oxygen, so about 5-percent of the volume of air is consumed in each breath and converted to carbon dioxide.
Walk, cycle or scoot whenever you can rather than driving, especially during peak times when being stuck in traffic can expose you to more pollution. It'll be good for your physical and mental health, avoiding traffic jams, reducing your carbon footprint and saving money.
Polluted air from the exhaust of the vehicles in front can get sucked into your car, and often stays trapped there, meaning you breathe in more pollution. Research has shown that people who commute by car have higher exposure to pollutants than people walking or cycling. As a consequence, motorists lose up to 1 year in life expectancy, in comparison to cyclists.
The respiratory system transports oxygen from the air we breatthe through a system of tubes into our lungs. It then diffuses it into the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide makes the opposite journey.
Pollution can change at different times of year. Ozone pollution forms in direct sunlight, so more is generated on particularly sunny days and levels are likely to be higher in spring and summer.
In winter, when there is particularly cold air at ground level and warmer air above it, air pollution can become trapped until the weather changes again.
Children are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of toxic air.
Air quality data from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) revealed air pollution levels may have dropped by around 40% across the UK during April and May 2020 when lockdown was in full force.

Make a difference for a day on June 17th 2021
Go vehicle free: let's show our support for clean air in Overton.
Leave the car at home today and don't order non-essential deliveries.   
Get those windows open and let fresh air in.
Avoid using wood burning stoves for the day.
Avoid lighting bonfires. During the coronavirus outbreak we shouldn't be burning garden waste really, as it produces smoke - especially if it's green or damp - and smoke can exacerbate respiratory problems.
If you must use the car – don't idle at the traffic lights or when you're parked up.
Use hand-powered or battery-operated garden tools. Avoid using gasoline or diesel-powered equipment such as lawnmowers and leaf-blowers.

Take Our Clean Air Day Pledge by clicking HERE...
We'd really love you to fill in our pledge and then share any photos of your pledges or even you with your pledge, so we can shout about everyone supporting Planet Earth's Clean Air Day.